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The demands of pregnancy can lead to particular dental problems in some women. You are less likely to have dental problems during pregnancy if you already have good oral hygiene habits. With proper dental hygiene at home and professional help from your dentist, your teeth should stay healthy during pregnancy.

The Need For Dental X-rays During Pregnancy:
We know about different gum diseases that occur in pregnant women because of hormonal imbalance, they may be pregnancy gingivitis or pregnancy-related gum disease. So it's a common problem for pregnant ladies. For that or for other causes of diagnostic purposes, or any for emergency tooth pain or any trauma, sometimes we need dental radiography.

Common causes of dental health problems during pregnancy can include gum problems, vomiting, and cravings for sugary food. Does the question arise that if the exposure of dental radiography is safe for the unborn baby, is it safe for the pregnant mother herself? Read further to know the answer.

Veneers and crowns are both dental restoration techniques which will improve the appearance and function of the teeth. The primary difference is the fact that a veneer addresses only the front side of the tooth, and a crown covers the whole tooth.

Dental restoration procedures can be costly, so it is crucial that you know which one might be ideal for you. While the methods are different, both have exceptional success rates. Here is a glimpse of the differences between crowns and veneers, the advantages and A veneer is an extremely thin layer of composite materials or porcelain, approximately one millimeter (mm) for thickness, that is bonded to the front side of your current tooth.

Yellow color or staining on teeth may cause distress among several individuals. In this day and age, we can not ignore the beaming effects of white pearly teeth. Houston Texas Teeth whitening is a process of removing extrinsic and intrinsic stains from the teeth. Here we will explain the difference between bleaching and teeth whitening. Teeth whitening can be achieved in two ways, either by chemical and non-chemical (or physical) methods. Chemical methods include bleaching the teeth with peroxide and non-chemical include removing the stains from the surface of the teeth by scaling, polishing, or using abrasive kinds of toothpaste and charcoal. 

A healthier smile is paramount for most adults. It's often the first thing folks notice when they are exposed to someone for the first time. And no one wants a smile that's dull or discolored, while also having bad breath. The fact that regular brushing is only fifty percent of the solution; it does not eliminate the stains or even bring down halitosis (bad breath) by itself. A smoker needs more frequent dental cleanings. Those who smoke have a greater risk of problems with the gums, having problems after teeth extractions, as well as after surgical treatment of the mouth, and also an increased chance of oral cancer. Cigarette smokers possess a lowered resistance to infection and have slower healing. Stopping smoking cuts down on the chance of acquiring oral cancer and gum disease and increases the individual's reaction to gum treatment. It's vital for smokers to see their dentists on a regular basis to maintain their teeth and gums are healthy and have regular dental cancer checks.

If you’ve lost all of your natural teeth, either from periodontal disease, tooth decay, or injury, dentures can replace these teeth along with your smile. Replacing missing teeth in Nu Dentistry can quickly and easily benefit your appearance and your overall health. Without support from teeth or dentures, facial muscles sag, which can make an individual look and feel much older. You might also struggle with things like eating and talking, which we tend to take for granted until our natural teeth have been lost.

What Is Better Implants or Dentures?
Ultimately, the best tooth-replacement option for you depends on your specific smile. Dentures are more flexible to your mouth’s particular demands, replacing anywhere between one or all of your teeth with ease. There are also immediate options that allow you to leave our Bellflower dental office with same-day dentures. So for patients on a budget or who don’t want to wait months before they can enjoy the benefits of a restored smile, dentures may be the right choice.

It is highly recommended to visit the children's dentist every six months after the child's first visit unless there are reasons to come more often. The dentist begins to work on the child's teeth once the child is ready for a second appointment. The second visit includes counting of the child's teeth and brushing and polishing.

If you suspect you are having the above signs and symptoms consult your dentist today and get your teeth checked. Your dentist will examine your teeth and mouth to look for signs and symptoms of bruxism. However, early morning pain around your ears, jaws, and constant dull headache on the side of the head may be the first indicating symptom of teeth grinding. Many times, individuals get informed about this habit by their loved ones who notice teeth grinding at night. Teeth grinding is not only seen in adults it is also seen in children. Bruxism in children is often noticed when their deciduous teeth emerge, and the period when their deciduous teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. No treatment is generally required for preschool children as this habit gets corrected by itself however in severe cases mouth guards or splints can be considered.

Sleep apnea is a very common and serious sleeping disorder that happens when your routine breathing is interrupted during sleep. Snoring is common among patients with sleep apnea, although not all snorers suffer from this disorder.

There are basically two types of sleep Dentistry Houston:

Obstructive - The more common form, it's the consequence of obstructed air flow through sleep, usually when the soft tissue at the back of the throat collapses while you’re sleeping. Health factors, like obesity, might contribute.

Central – This results from an issue with how our brain signals the breathing muscles. The airway isn't blocked, instead the brain fails to signal the muscles to breathe. This type of sleep apnea may happen with conditions like heart failure, brain tumors, brain infections, and stroke.

A Houston dental implant is a process which involves replacing an extracted tooth with a metal stud or post screwed directly into the bone that remains as an anchor to the crown or false dental replacement that would somehow or another not have anything to keep it arranged directly into the tooth attachment of your missing tooth. That is the primary purpose of a dental implant procedure. The false teeth, dental replacement, or crown, is placed right on the stud. Then, the post itself makes your new teeth work like genuine teeth. It is the best alternative used for dentures with loose attachment or those who have a high tendency to fall out (because they are not attached to the gums. Implants look more like real teeth as compared to the detachable dentures or crown attached atop dental bridges which can damage the adjacent teeth of both sides. This helps to place the artificial tooth in between the teeth or hanging the tooth like a bridge in the gap present between the teeth.